VDP command reference

Set register

Writing to a VDP register is done by writing a 16-bit value (a single word) to $C00004 (VdpCtrl) with this format:

$8000 OR (register << 8) OR value

For a full list of registers and their values, check the VDP register reference.

Setting a VDP register will unset the current address, so if you need to keep writing or reading video memory then you'll need to set the address again.

Set write address

To write to video memory you need to write a 32-bit value to $C00004 (VdpCtrl), either as a longword or two separate words. Bits 13-10 of the address are placed in the high word, bits 15-14 are placed in the low word's bits 1-0:

((address AND $3FFF) << 16) OR
((address AND $C000) >> 14) OR

The command is one of the following:

Commands to set a video address for writing
Memory spaceOR with
Write VRAM address$40000000
Write CRAM address$C0000000
Write VSRAM address$40000010

After that, you can write the data to $C00000 (VdpData), either words or longwords (the latter are seen as two words). After every word written the address is automatically incremented by the autoincrement amount.

Iwis says

In the case of 128KB VRAM mode (on machines that support it, e.g. Teradrive) bits 16-14 of the address are in the low word's bits 2-0 (as would be expected). Everything else is identical.

Set read address

Reading from video memory is similar to writing, the main difference is the command:

Commands to set a video address for reading
Memory spaceOR with
Read VRAM address$00000000
Read CRAM address$00000020
Read VSRAM address$00000010

After that, you can read the data from $C00000 (VdpData), either words or longwords (the latter are seen as two words). After every word read the address is automatically incremented by the autoincrement amount.

Start DMA

Again, setting the DMA destination address is similar to setting up an address for writing, with the only difference being the command used (in fact, they're the same aside from setting bit 7 of the command's second word):

Commands to set DMA destination address
Memory spaceOR with
DMA to VRAM address$40000080
DMA to CRAM address$C0000080
DMA to VSRAM address$40000090

In the case of DMA transfer or DMA copy, the operation will start immediately after writing this value. In the case of DMA fill, you need to write the fill value to $C00000 (VdpData) after this to initiate the DMA fill.